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Chairman Protection for New Managers

Trước khi tiến hành bất kỳ thương vụ Chuyển nhượng nào, bạn nên tham khảo Định giá Chủ tịch để thương lượng giá cả. Tuy nhiên, con số này có thể thay đổi nếu như nhà Quản lí có Điểm danh vọng it hơn 45.

If the club's manager has a reputation of less than 45 then their Chairman will increase the valuation of the club's best players in order to protect both their assets and manager (who is new to the game).

Apart from protecting the club's best assets (when it comes to selling them in the transfer market), the Chairman will also help protect a manager who has a reputation of less than 45 when it comes to purchasing players.

If a manager has a reputation of less than 45 then their Chairman will decrease the amount they are willing to pay up to unless the player will immediately improve their squad.